Embrace a chilly day with a hearty, flavorful fish stew that’s quick to prepare and cook in just 40 minutes, serving 4. Crafted with care and wholesome ingredients, it’s the perfect way to warm up and nourish both body and spirit

1- lb Chatham Harvesters Hake filets
3 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, thinly sliced
1 of each red and yellow peppers,cut into strips
1 zucchini squash, halved and sliced
3/4 cup chorizo, skinned and cubed
2 tsp smoked paprika
3/4 cup white wine
1 cup fish or chicken stock
1 orange
Salt and Pepper
A handful flat-leafed parsley, chopped
Ciabatta bread, toasted on each side with butter in a pan
If frozen, thaw the fish overnight in the refrigerator.
Heat the olive oil in a large shallow casserole and cook the onions, peppers and squash over high heat for 10 minutes until charred and softened
Turn down the heat to medium and add the chorizo. Cook for 5 minutes
until the oil has turned red and the chorizo is starting to crisp.
Add the paprika and cook for 30 seconds
Pour in the wine and simmer for 2 minutes
Add the stock
Remove the peel from the orange orange, then cut it into thin slices.
Put this on top of the vegetables in the pan.
Place the hake fillets on top of the orange slices
Season well with salt and pepper
Reduce the heat to a simmer. Put on the lid
Simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the hake is just cooked through
Meanwhile prepare ciabatta bread and set aside
When fish is cooked, scatter over the parsley and serve right from the pot.